Saturday, April 9, 2011

When Unconventional Thought Meets Opportunity...

The year 2011 has been an interesting one for me. It has challenged me, it has inspired me and it has illuminated aspects of me that I'm not sure I knew existed within me. All in all, I am loving what 2011 has been thus far and I am even more excited about the direction that 2011 is headed!

Those of you who know me well know that at a very young age I was the resident defense attorney in my family. The issue could (& usually did) have NOTHING to do with me, and I was right in the mix letting my parents know how to best address the issue with whatever sibling was about to get punished. I am not entirely sure why I thought my parents needed my assistance with proper discipline, but I always felt like the "underdog," i.e. the sibling who was the subject of the sentencing, could benefit from my advocacy. Silly me!

As I "matured" (or at least I thought I was maturing at the time), I became "that girl" who was all about the oppression of everyone. If there was a cause, I had an opinion. I think I was so invested in causes and thinking that I had the answer that half the time I was fighting against myself.....and to this day I have mastered fighting with myself and winning every internal battle. I am certain that it all sounded good (or perhaps narrow-minded and stupid) when I went on and on about my various causes, who had oppressed whom and why things needed to change. The problem is it was rarely more than words.

An evolution within began in me my senior year of high school in my social justice class. Something inside of me signaled that my words weren't enough and I needed to put my words into action! The spark was ignited and I was all about what I could do to give back. Throughout my four years of college and three years of law school I engaged in everything from volunteering at domestic abuse shelters, tutoring at schools/juvenile detention facilities, going on service trips during my spring break, cleaning up neighborhoods and building homes, etc. I was motivated to make a difference and it was reflected in my activities.

Something changed when I entered the professional world. It's no mystery why I became a lawyer. I am relatively certain that justice is the primary ingredient woven into my DNA. However, when advocacy became my profession, I stopped having time to give back...or so I thought. I felt that my giving back was what I did for my clients on a daily basis. I saw their need, their vulnerability, their emotional turmoil and I told myself that what I was doing professionally was enough. Deep down I knew it wasn't enough, but I felt paralyzed when it came to doing more. I still had that spark inside me that called me to action, but thinking about it and actually doing it were entirely different animals. Any of you who know me know that I can think and over-think anything five ways to Sunday; but what good is a thought that's not put into action?!?!

I've been thinking about writing and posting this "note" for the better part of six weeks, but there is a voice inside of me that tells me that no one is going to want to read my wordiness and questions how much change I can truly inspire. Well, I guess we are about to find out! This could be an epic fail inasmuch as you all may read this and think to yourself, "Ann(ie) has really lost it this time!" You won't be the first to think it and you won't be the last to think it. Dang! I think it about myself all the time. :) My hope though is that after reading this you feel challenged to start thinking about ways that you too can dig deeper and give more of yourself to those in need.

It's a blessing and a curse (but mostly a blessing) to have an unconventional mind. I love being quirky and I love the fact that just when I think I have myself figured out to some degree of normalcy, I throw a curve ball into my life that I have difficulty explaining even to myself in a manner that makes sense to me. So, when the words, "Yes, I'm all in on this Mary Kay gig" came out of my mouth, the thought going through my mind was, "What in the h*@l am I doing and how am I going to explain this one to people?!?!?" I can't lie and suggest for a second that it was an ounce of benevolence, a spirit of giving or a call to social action that prompted me to buy a starter kit and sign on to be a Mary Kay consultant. A prototypical Mary Kay consultant I am not, and I must confess that my real motivation was two-fold: (1) I have used the products forever and the thought of getting them at discount price was extremely appealing to me and (2) I love skin care and make-up and girl time and it seemed like a good "hobby." One of the attorneys I work with flies planes as a "hobby," another one does triathlons as a "hobby." Why couldn't Mary Kay be my "hobby?" So, decision was made and I was off to the races with my new" hobby".....or not so much. I was excited about it , but something about it wasn't satisfying the itch that needed to be scratched. There was something missing.

It took me some time, but I figured it out. My underlying motivation was all too self serving. The desire to give back, to make a difference, to challenge and inspire wasn't being met by "peddling beauty products for sport." Enter unconventional mind and divine intervention from above and it all started to make sense to me! What if this "hobby" of mine could do great things and move in the lives of the less fortunate. What if my outlet from the sometimes stressful life of a family lawyer could impact the lives of the sick, the marginalized, the young, the old, the imprisoned, the voiceless and those in need of food, clothing, shelter and most of all LOVE! What if "peddling beauty products" was actually an opportunity to change a life! What if, what if, what if?!?!?

Well, this is my chance to find out because the possibilities that exist in the basin of unconventional thought a/k/a my mind are endless right now! I see all kinds of potential for amazing things to start happening and it starts with me making a commitment to action.

In its conception my idea was to select a charity each month and 10% of all of my profits would go to the selected charity. I would likewise select a "power product" each month and 15% of all profits.from the "power product" would go to the selected charity. Upon further review, that's not enough! I operate on a theory of "Go big or go home!" So I am going to make it count...30% of all profits go to the selected charity for the month and 50% of the profits from the "power product" go to charity.

You may be thinking to yourself that this all sounds great but the last thing you want to do is host or attend a Mary Kay party. Trust me, I get it! I fully understand that time is a commodity and that we are constantly stretched to make the most of our time. Thank God for the internet! You can check out all of the products, get all kinds of information, tips and place orders (that will be shipped to your preferred address) at

If you want more information about the products, would like to set up a one-on-one consultation or want to host a party (the theme of which is "FUN without pressure"), message me on facebook or email me at As hostess of the party, you get to select the charity of your choice and 50% of all profits from your party go to your selected charity. This applies to "catalogue parties" (no actual party but orders placed from catalogue) -- an awesome fundraising opportunity!

Men, you are not left out of this! All orders placed by men (whether the fabulous skin care products for men or purchased as gifts for your leading lady) are in a class of their own. 30% of the profits from all orders placed by men go to your choice of the following charities: American Heart Association, Make a Wish Foundation, Rawhide Boys Ranch or Special Olympics.

I am always open to your suggestions for other ways of giving back whether it be through this Mary Kay endeavor or in other ways. I am also always open to ideas about charities. I've got April, May and June figured out already, but July is up for grabs. Let me know if you have something in mind!

If you are interested in knowing how this is going to work, go to my website and sign up. I will put you on my email list, and each month I will send an email out detailing my selected charity and reason for it's selection as well as a summary of the prior months contributions. Even if you have no intention of buying anything, sign up to be on my mailing list so that you can hear about the exciting milestones we reach by giving back! I have lofty goals and I am absolutely certain that I can reach the goals I have set. June is my birthday month, and I have some exciting ideas in mind for a giant push to shake up the world!!!

If none of this appeals to you, no big thing. My hope and prayer is that my unconventional way of giving back will inspire you to think of your own unique way of giving back. If there is anything I can do to support your effort, let me know because I would love to help where I can. "To whom much is given, much is expected."  Luke 12:48. Let's make sure that we all do our part in whatever ways we can to live a life that reflects love for all people.

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